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CT Salem: I’m not gonna say much about being a scientist and all, if anything, it’ll be the very last thing I’ll be concentrating on in life, and while you try believing in the development team, I won’t, because they find a way to create a flaw in each Smash game, whether it’s big or small, like for example, Ice Climbers in Brawl, the Hit-Stun on anything in Smash64 or crouch canceling in Melee. They’ll do something to smash 4 and I just hope it’s not something that’ll completely change the game.
Parece que no tiene mucha fe en el team de desarrollo pero si estoy de acuerdo que cosas como los Climbers del brawl o el crouch cancelling son cosas que no deberían haber existido.
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

We have created lots of YouTube videos just so you can achieve [...]

Another post test yes yes yes or no, maybe ni? :-/

The best flat phpBB theme around. Period. Fine craftmanship and [...]

Do you need a super MOD? Well here it is. chew on this

All you need is right here. Content tag, SEO, listing, Pizza and spaghetti [...]

Lasagna on me this time ok? I got plenty of cash

this should be fantastic. but what about links,images, bbcodes etc etc? [...]